Motorcowboy has a new costume expert on the team. He has been in the collecting world of KISS for 30 years...not much from or about the band he dosn't own or have knowledge of. About a year or so ago he decided to start making costumes that the band wore during it's heyday in the seventies..WOW did that go over big...He now makes them for many of the tribute bands and hundreds of fans.
Some of you may know him from the assorted official magazines and the infamous KISSTORY 2 which over 85 % of that book was his collection..and the recent official KISS magazine featured some of his works in the fan art section.
He recently joined forces with us at MOTORCOWBOY.COM and the rest as they say is history. We make the finest boots he has ever seen seen....and our KISS boots work perfectly with his costumes.
His armour is featured here...it takes approxomatley 3-5 weeks turnaround time..it is an exact replica of the DEMONs famed armour..so accurate..garanteed to keep you rocking & rolling all nite.
Contact Jim@motorcowboy.com or motorcowboy@gmail.com/ and I will forward your request to him.
The armour ranges from $1700.00 - $2500.00 depending on if all accessories are with it...wings,belts,etc.
You can see some of his works at www.motorcowboy.com/
under KISS boots or KISS armour keep in mind he dose all costumes not just KISS...if you got a picture of it...he can make it!
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Best Regards,Jim Evanswww.MotorCowboy.com1-866-385-7066 (Jim) voicemail1-888-613-8893 (Gary)