Monday, April 18, 2005

Updated contact information

I wanted to take a minute to update everyone on our latest contact information.
Web site

Jim Evans
Land line - 866-385-7066 nights
Email -
Ebay seller name - motorcowboy
PayPal email address -
MSN chat -
picture -

Gary Evans, USA
Land Line - 866-605-6431 days
Email -
Ebay seller name - brogary
MSN chat -
picture -

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hi Motor Cowboy, I’m out searching the web for the latest and greatest information on 888 biz and found your great site. Although Updated contact information wasn’t specifically what I was looking for it definitely got my interest and attention. I see now why I found your interesting blog when I was looking for 888 biz related information and I’m grateful I found your site even though its not a perfect match. Great Post, thanks for your informative site

Anonymous said...

Hi Motor Cowboy, I’m out searching the web for the latest and greatest information on 888 biz and found your great site. Although Updated contact information wasn’t specifically what I was looking for it definitely got my interest and attention. I see now why I found your interesting blog when I was looking for 888 biz related information and I’m grateful I found your site even though its not a perfect match. Great Post, thanks for your informative site

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... is a rip off! jim/gary evans are internet scam artists selling the stolen goods they get from un-suspecting vivtims on ebay... barry carr is NOT a costume designer he's a rip off artist and a liar. do not trust this company they are not legit and do not have the authority to sell or manufacturing of un-authorized kiss costumes etc.

rock bottom kostumes is a scam.

this motorcowboy and gary barry carr have stolen $2,000.00 dollars and commited mail fraud.

all items were sent certified and insured by the usps. a federal crime. the kentucky state police and the los angeles fbi have also been contacted...